And this is it ?
Guess, smart-ass.
Y0u'Re WeAk.
Shut the fuck up with the strong and weak speech, will you ?
Y0u'Re A c0wArd.
Cause you would do better, huh ?
0f course he will.
Oh, really ?
I'm N0t LiKe Y0u.
I'm quite aware of that.
At least.
Y0u NeEd Me. Y0u'Ve LoSt C0nTr0l.
I haven't.
Yes you have.
Fine, and so what ? You can't fix it. Nobody can.
You do know that he can.
Nobody can fix it. It's too late.
Y0u FaIlEd. I w0n'T....
I do not need you.
Yes you do.UnChAiN mE.
... No.
UnChAiN mE !
Like hell I would.
Why Not ?
Y0u'Re ScArEd.
I just don't want all hell to break loose because of you.
Is that what you really think ?
ExPlAiN Y0uRsElF.
S0 wHaT ?
So you're doing enough damage chained and stuck here.
That's a point of view.
Should I say that I don't care about you too ?
As a matter of fact, you may.
But let me guess, it will not a change a thing ?
Y0uRe P0wErLeSs.
I did fight. I just lose.
Just. Lose.
AnD Y0u'Re GiViNg Up ?
Yes, I am.
Y0u Sh0UlD bE StIlL FiGhTiNg.
Fuck off, you two. I'm exhausted.
Y0u'Re JuSt G0nNa SiT ThErE aNd WaIt ?
Oh yeah.
I'm AlL0WiNg MySeLf T0 ReMiNd Y0u ThAt We'Re DyInG.
I don't care.
Don't. Care.